Life is not to be taken for granted.
Ikhlas - Purity (of faith)
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
" Say: He is God, The One and Only
God the Eternal, Absolute
He begetteth not, Nor is He begotten
And there is none Like unto Him" .........................Translation A Yusuf Ali

Sunday 21 October 2012

My First Experience

catering.jpgToday for the first time in my life we served our first catering customer. Never in my life i dreamed to be doing catering business. Actually not only catering business but doing business itself. I remembered when i was much younger (not that i am that old now....ha...ha...ha) i hated business. I said to myself " I will never do business.....after seeing my father suffer lossing hundreds of thousands ringgit and almost becoming a bankruptcy. But now.......
 To my surprised, I actually enjoyed it. Especially when the guests complimented on the food. It felt good. Although it was hard work and a couple of sleepless nights.  I know, actually it was not me. Everything came from the Almighty...ALLAH. If ALLAH did not  "redha" it to happenned, it will not happened. Alhamdulillah, no other words could describe it. Syukur Alhamdulillah, ya Allah.
I hope after today, this first experience will not be my last. And there will many more memorable experiences  and catering opportunities to come in the future. Please make doa for me, that for once, i will get to make this business as a lasting career and will be successful.

Friday 12 October 2012

New beginnings

I have not written anything in my blog for a couple of months now. So many things happened. With no maid and a wee girl in tow, makes it very difficult for me to have time even for myself. Alhamdulillah, today i get to write and do what i want. Hari Raya just passed, and my little girl is asleep. Today was her first day at the babysitter. The babysitter told me after i left, she cried a little then stood by the door and kept calling out for "umi, umi". Aargh! sacrifices we have to make...... and  all my boys are back in maahad and finally, my youngest son, has also left home for full time tahfiz.
It was a very difficult decision for me, as we found out, his maahad, has this strict rule about parents visiting  especially for the first 41 days. NO VISITATION or COMMUNICATION for 41 DAYS. He is my baby. With him leaving the nest, this means its the beginning of his quest for "Ilmu ALLAH". Now, each time he comes home, he is just like a visitor only.
I know, i have to let him go for the sake of our future. Not the future here, but in the next world. The eternal life.
I can only duaa that he will cope and like his new lifestyle. May Allah make it easy for him to be a hafiz.

Friday 27 January 2012

Anak aset ke syurga

Alhamdulillah.....another day given to me by ALLAH to still breath and beribadah serta untuk mensyukuri nikmat-nikmat yang di kurniakan. We always take our life for granted. We assumed we will still be here tomorrow. How we always forget that ALLAH can take us anytime, anywhere without any notice. We always forget that everything and anything comes from the Almighty.  Ya ALLAH, ampunilah kami yang hina ini, yang sentiasa lupa.

Today as i was browsing my FB, saw a good you tube by Ustaz Azhar. Hah! ini lah jawapan yang di cari-cari. So i would like to share this:

Happy watching....

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Antara Dunia dan Akhirat

Can't sleep. It's 5.08 am now. Been awake since 3.50am. Nak solat sunat tak boleh pulak. well......
I can't understand some people. Why should it bother them if i choose not to send my son to a normal school. Ni anak saya, suka hati saya lah.....( wah so arrogant ...huh) bukan apa, saya memilih untuk tidak menghantar anak ke sekolah biasa kerana saya rasa adalah lebih baik anak di isikan dadanya dulu dengan Al Quran. (betul tak?) Bukan kah pendidikan agama itu lebih baik? Itu kan untuk dunia dan akhirat. Insyallah kalau dia dah dapat 30 juzuk tu, sudah pastinya ilmu duniawi lain akan menjadi mudah bagi dia...."Ya Allah, kamu permudahkanlah bagi anak-anak ku ini untuk mendapat ilmu mu. Tidaklah mudah tapi hanya dengan izin mu".....
Lagi pun dia suka this system. Siang hari pegi masjid buat hafazan. Malam pegi kumon. Hari sabtu pergi kelas bahasa arab. Tak apalah. Semua ni pun adalah dari ALlah. Allah yang telah bukakan hati ini dan suami untuk menghantar anak-anak ke arah jalan ini. Alhamdulillah. "Ya Allah.... janganlah kau tarik nikmat ini, istiqamahlah hati-hati ini untuk sentiasa menjadi tetamu di taman-taman syurga mu. Ya Allah... permudahkanlah urusan kami sekeluarga untuk terus berada di jalan ini. Janganlah di sibukkan kami dengan hal-hal dunia hingga tidak lagi dapat mendapat nikmat ke majlis-majlis mu."..."Ya Allah, janganlah kau tutupi hati suami ku ini dengan murabbi. Buka lah pintu hatinya untuk terus istiqamah dengan murabbi...Ku mohon pada mu....jadikan lah dia murid yang sodiq....." Amin.

Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year 2012

Welcome 2012. Was at Mom's. Did not plan to stay the night there, but hubby was lazy to drive home. He went into the guest room and slept. And that was before 12 midnite. Midnite came and my no 4, came in all excited and screaming " bunga api, bunga api!" (fireworks, fireworks!). Don't understand why people are burning money just to see some glitters in the sky. (Hah! wait when D DAY comes, you'll see all the fireworks you want , for FREE!)

Today is already the 6th. How time flies. My 3 boys are now in boarding school. Really miss them, especially my two teddy bears. This is the first time we are separated. But Alhamdulillah, i think they are coping well. (Though they cried and called me the 2nd day and ask me to go and see them the next day,........) Went to see them and they started to point at each other when we ask who cried? And both of them denied ever crying.

Can't wait for Sunday to see them again. Hmmm......kesian pulak rasanya. At 12 and they already have to learn to wash their own clothes. And i haven't even taught them how to do it. Only gave simple instructions on how to do it and am not too sure they can do it. Never mind, i think i will collect all their dirty clothes and wash them at home and sent new sets of clean clothes.....ha...ha...ha .....see how i spoil my boys.

Now there is only no 4 and no 5 at home. Luckily there is no 5. She is soooo adorable. It's so different having a girl in the house (after having 4 boys!).

Whatever it is I thank ALLAH for all the Blessings he has given me and the family.